Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mission Kinda Accomplished

I'm getting old! My slowing metabolism and muscle recovery is the physical evidence, while on a behavioral level I am becoming increasingly uninterested in everything.  My attention span is approaching that of a fussy infant and I've been unintentionally experimenting with cynicism in small doses.  Is this it for me? Am I at the peak of aging, right before the steep fall into a pre middle age slump?

It won't be long until this time now will exist only in memory, with age I will likely lose important story details along with scrotal perkiness, so in preparation for that I've been cataloging notable thoughts via this blog.  I never wanted a specific recollection of events, I've instead focused on how important certain People and experiences were in my personal growth.  My intentions in writing and life have always been of entertainment based seriousness; I've always thought I had something important to say, I'm just not comfortable doing it, so I format the serious moments in my life and literature like the last 5 minutes of a "Full House" episode: I make my audience cringe through my serious thoughts before smoothing over the moment with a cute joke.  Doing so I've hoped my writing and life could be looked upon as an outsider and appreciated as entertainment and maybe, just maybe a little something to think about.

For me Blogging has always been about filling a gap, the gap of information needed to understand the important participants in our lives.  At times I've been unnecessarily brief with the people in my life, and at times I've been left wanting more from someone without the means to learn more.  By Blogging hopefully I've created the opportunity for anyone to learn a little something about me.  

A cute joke.     

As a dude with limited capabilities I take great pride in the 23 posts I've written before this.  My blog was also never intended for mass appeal so remaining motivated to write my unread words is an accomplishment in itself.  In celebration I will be taking a new exciting direction in my Random Thoughts, my 25th post will betray my underground roots for the highly popular Guest post.  I have the perfect candidate, all I need now is a couple Puppy hostages to encourage participation.


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